call e bandi

EASA2024 CfP

Doing and Undoing with Anthropology

University of Barcelona e online 23-26 July 2024

La 18ma conferenza biennale dell’European Association of Social Anthropologists – Association Européenne des Anthropologues Sociaux si terrà a Barcellona in luglio 2024. Le lingue di lavoro sono spagnolo, catalano, francese ed inglese.

Call for papers

La Call for papers è aperta fino al 22 gennaio 2024 (verificate alla fonte eventuali aggiornamenti della scadenza). Le proposte possono essere trasmesse esclusivamente tramite form online, e le modalità di presentazione previste sono:

  • tavole rotonde aperte
  • lightning panels (presentazioni brevi)
  • sessioni in presenza
  • sessioni online
  • contributi liberi, esclusivamente online

Non sono previsti panels ibridi. Alcuni possono essere monolinguistici.

Daniela Giudici è co-convenor del panel in presenza P090 Future matters. Urban transformations between utopia and dystopia.
Milena Belloni è co-convenor del panel online P076 Mothering times: experiences of motherhood in the process of migration.

vedi i dettagli della Call for papers sul sito EASA

Panels / Roundtables / Lightning panels

Quelli che seguono sono estratti! L’elenco completo è sul sito di EASA (dove dovete espandere il campo del singolo panel per vedere i nomi delle persone proponenti, la tipologia, la modalità e le altre informazioni).

in presenza

  • P012 Employment in precarious times (coping strategies, emotional imprints)
  • P022 Investigating Common Concerns through Participatory Filmmaking
  • P024 Precarious lifestyles: underemployment, emotional damage, and relational vulnerability in neoliberal labour markets
  • P025 Un/doing the de-exceptionalisation of refugees and migrants
  • P030 Epistemic Navigations: Doing and Undoing crisis knowledge
  • P048 Political anthropology of citizenship and the urge for ‘‘alternatives’’ [Network of Anthropology and Social Movements]
  • P050 African Anthropology and the Decolonial in the Emerging Multipolar Twenty-First Century
  • P052 Undoing the evils of the past: Politics of reconciliation and remorse for colonial violence
  • P055 Architecture Archive of Political Violence
  • P063 Unveiling inequality and (un)doing ethnography of datafied capitalism [Anthropology of Economy Network (AoE)]
  • P079 The nature of labour: understanding socio-environmental crises through agri-food systems
  • P089 Beyond surveillor and surveilland: exploring the role of third parties [Anthropology of Surveillance Network (ANSUR)]
  • P090 Future matters. Urban transformations between utopia and dystopia, co-convenor Daniela Giudici
  • P096 Afterlives of armed conflict: former rebels, new political formations, and shifting gender norms
  • P098 (Re)doing ethnographies in times of Indigenous (re)emergence
  • P103 Doing and undoing solidarity through ethnography in times of rising inequalities
  • P106 (Un)doing humanitarian ethics through critique: exploring anthropological contributions to humanitarian practice in light of recent events in Gaza [AHN and LAWNET]
  • P109 The will to care, the will to punish, and the state in between
  • P131 Doing and Undoing Carcerality [Anthropology of Confinement Network]
  • P132 What is a Living Archive?
  • P136 Public anthropology: new field, new practices?
  • P139 Contraband Cultures: Ethnographically Reframing Smuggling Across Latin America and the Caribbean
  • P144 Practices of Family and Labour Migration: Queering Law Restrictions and Undoing Border Regimes
  • P147 Humanitarian borders, refuge, and gender. Ethnographic analyses of migration policies in Europe [Anthropology of Humanitarianism Network (AHN)]
  • P148 Beyond Displacement. Labour Mobilities in Times of Crisis in West Africa.
  • P150 Working with the non-observable: audio-visual modes of doing and undoing knowledge. [Visual Anthropology Network (VANEASA)]
  • P159 Digital Commoning: Multimodal Communities of Resistance [Network for Digital Anthropology (ENDA)]
  • P164 States of Violence – Archives of Repair and Contestation [Anthropology of History Network (NaoH)]
  • P175 Humor as resistance in migrant (im)mobilities
  • P177 Peasants? Smallholders? Farmers? Undoing and redoing categories for people working in agriculture through ethnography
  • P179 Undoing and redoing Anthropology with Photography: dialogues, collaborations, hybridisations.
  • P182 Anthropology in Contexts of Crisis and Conflict [Europeanist Network (EuroNet)]
  • P187 (De)naturalizing citizenship: citizenship regimes, immigration bureaucracies and systems of naturalization
  • P203 Can research on human mobilities be critical and actionable? (Un)doing anthropology in the face of rights’ violations and exploitation [LawNet] [Anthropology and Mobility (AnthroMob)]
  • P204 Roots and their undoing: ethnographies of connection and dislocation
  • P211 Doing and undoing data: anthropological approaches to uses and effects of everyday data [Network for Digital Anthropology (ENDA)]
  • P213 Othering and Racialization of Minorities and Immigrants in Fortress Europe
  • P214 Anthropologists in crisis: An ASAEE roundtable
  • P215 Food Sovereignties: Contemporary Tensions and Challenges
  • P219 Doing and Undoing Liminality: Crisis, Marginality, and Power in Mediterranean Anthropology
  • P225 Ethnographing racism nowdays
  • P227 Central Asia and other ‘Minor-ized’ Regions: the Poor Relatives of High Theory?
  • P228 Living With Algorithms: Curation of selves, belonging, and the world around us.
  • P238 Becoming/ being an activist: reflections on a key political subjectivity of late capitalism


  • call per contributi individuali
  • P001 Waste and Waste Management in Africa: Anthropological Perspectives
  • P014 Women of power: Undoing academic tropes about West African female migrants
  • P016 Doing Social Justice and Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice Research: Art, Agency, and Activism
  • P027 Doing and Undoing Decolonial Anthropology. Geopolitics of knowledge and de-Westernization
  • P053 La patrimonialización y musealización de las memorias conflictivas. Una mirada desde la etnografía (SP)
  • P076 Mothering times: experiences of motherhood in the process of migration co-convenor Milena Belloni
  • P111 Communicating anthropology to non-anthropologists in and outside the university. [Teaching Anthropology Network (TAN)]
  • P151 Socio-technical imaginaries in/and of the digital world
  • P176 Negotiating the Field: How do early career researchers (un)do Anthropology?
  • P183 Labour in the ruins of modernity [Anthropology of Labour Network]
  • P252 Des/Haciendo desde la Diáspora: Una mirada crítica a la producción de espacios académicos y reproducción de conocimientos (SP)
  • P284 Crisis Commons: Un/Doing Human Mutualities

elenco completo dei panels sul sito EASA

Call for labs

info generali della Call for labs sul sito di EASA

Call for films

Il tema previsto è Doing and Undoing Anthropological Visual Research .

We invite anthropologists to submit films that, in one way or another, experiment with different ways of doing and undoing anthropology through film. We hope, with this approach, to open a discussion oriented not only to create new forms of making films within anthropology but also to imagineoriginal ways of doing anthropological research based on the cinematic experience, including the processes of shooting, editing, and disseminating films.

In conclusion, we ask for films which, in a more explicit or implicit way, reflect upon the set of ethical, aesthetic, methodological, and theoretical decisions that we need to take (either alone or in collaboration with other people) when we aim at investigatingsocial realities (and, eventually, intervening in them) through the camera and the moving image.

Il panel dei film sarà in presenza.

info sul sito di EASA

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Aderenti esterni a Escapes - Laboratorio di studi critici sulle migrazioni forzate, CRC dell'Università degli studi di Milano "La Statale"